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Belief Morals

It Is The Truth

The terminology: Atheism/Theism assumes a specific belief system. The opposite terminology from a different assumed belief system would be: Mytheism/Anti-Mytheism.

The battle is already half lost when we are drawn into using flawed terminology such as Atheism/Theism which has presuppositions contained within it. Like terminology we are often drawn into arguments and discussions that likewise have flawed presuppositions.

Arguing about a god’s existence is like arguing about how many angles fit on the head of a pin. The real argument should be about the morals underlying the beliefs. For example the most significant issues with many modern religions are some of the fundamental underlying morals. This can be seen by looking at the following moral truths:

It is the truth that spiritual extortion is morally evil.

It is the truth that spiritual greed is morally evil.

It is the truth that spiritual bullying is morally evil.

It is the truth that nothing in nature is perfect and to expect something to be perfect is wrong.

It is the truth that while striving in the direction of perfection has value, perfectionism is a sickness.

It is the truth that spiritual perfectionism is a sickness.

It is the truth that spiritual extortion based on spiritual perfectionism is morally evil.

It is the truth that coveting your own spiritual planet or multiple spiritual slaves and wives is spiritual greed and morally evil.

It is the truth that heaven and hell are spiritual extortion and bribery

It is the truth that a morally evil spirit or god should be forever striven against and defeated.

It is the truth that euphoria addiction is immoral and wrong.

It is the truth that dreaming of eternal euphoria is a sickness.

It is the truth that wishing or thinking of eternal torment for others is unethical and morally wrong.

It is the truth that we have magnificent psychological tools to accomplish anything we need to in this world now.

It is the truth that we can build a magnificent world here and now that provides for all of our needs and desires.

It is the truth that we can change cultural thought to enable this magnificent world.

It is the truth that reincarnating through multiple lifetimes is a very slow way to learn psychological lessons, and is a waste of resources.

It is the truth that forcing people into a religious test is morally and ethically wrong

It is the truth that any government led pledge with a reference to any god is a religious test, which is not only a crime per the constitution, but also a crime against humanity, as well as against every student and parent. Every teacher, principal, and school board that does the pledge is guilty of this crime and should be held accountable and repent. 

It is the truth that: a parent, clone creator, spirit creator, or any form of sentient being creator who tries to own their creations beyond maturation is morally wrong.

It is the truth that spirit and religious predation is morally evil.

It is the truth that to worship someone because they demonstrate spiritual skills is wrong.

It is the truth that to worship someone because of historical spiritual skills is wrong.

It is the truth that to worship someone because they are associated with someone with spiritual skills or historical spiritual skills is wrong.

It is the truth that to ask for wealth because of spiritual skills is predation and is morally evil.

It is the truth that to care for your fellow is morally good.

it is the truth that to turn the other cheek for those who strike in fear will ease their burden and is morally good.

it is the truth that to be strong and defend against those who are greedy and selfish, and to teach the greedy and selfish that sharing is best for them is morally good.

It is the truth that if someone says their way is the only way, they are ignorant and they themselves have been conned, or worse, they are trying to con you out of something.

It is the truth that it is wrong to believe something just because someone said it or wrote it.  It is only appropriate to use a model if there is data and analysis to back it up.

It is the truth that to think that any consciousness has all the answers or even superior knowledge is foolish.

It is the truth that to force or coerce others to take oaths is evil. It is particularly evil when it is done to young in schools.

It is the truth that to believe all (or only your) government is good and not corrupt is foolish.

It is the truth that a judging god that punishes is not only uncaring and mean, but also incompetent in that it does not know how to teach effectively.

It is the truth that any country that punishes or murders because of a persons beliefs or change of beliefs is evil.

It is the truth that extorting others not to express their own beliefs is morally evil.

It is the truth that there is no such thing as Atheism or Theism, there is only Mytheism and Anti-Mytheism.

It is the truth that to do direct good unto others is of great value.

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